Monday, September 30, 2013

The Kiss

Another week, another trip, at least this does not involve a plane...or 3.  This trip is simply training in San Diego, a couple of the friends are in town as well so it should not be as painful and the parking should be better than last week.

I did make the number one mistake on the photoblog today. I did not have the camera with me all day so I was going to have to take random some photo at night.  Fortunately I had to pick up a couple of my friends at San Diego's airport.  For those around the world, San Diego is a US Navy town.  One of the Iconic photos of the 1940 was of a sailor kissing a nurse on Victory over Japan Day during World War II.  The picture(photo 2) was taken in Time Square in New York.

The fine folks of San Diego decided this would a fitting tribute to the Navy so they built a 20 foot statue of the Kiss.  Unfortunately for a Photographer at night, the statue is horrible lite.  I did the best I could.

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