Monday, September 30, 2013

The Kiss

Another week, another trip, at least this does not involve a plane...or 3.  This trip is simply training in San Diego, a couple of the friends are in town as well so it should not be as painful and the parking should be better than last week.

I did make the number one mistake on the photoblog today. I did not have the camera with me all day so I was going to have to take random some photo at night.  Fortunately I had to pick up a couple of my friends at San Diego's airport.  For those around the world, San Diego is a US Navy town.  One of the Iconic photos of the 1940 was of a sailor kissing a nurse on Victory over Japan Day during World War II.  The picture(photo 2) was taken in Time Square in New York.

The fine folks of San Diego decided this would a fitting tribute to the Navy so they built a 20 foot statue of the Kiss.  Unfortunately for a Photographer at night, the statue is horrible lite.  I did the best I could.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bird Bath

I woke up this morning in San Francisco.  It took me a little bit of time to figure that one out.  It looked like an Embassay Suites bedroom, that's where I stayed in Monterrey.  My fear was I was in Ground Hogs Day. 

I was finally getting to go home!!! It only took 5 nights and 4 hotels to go home...for a 1/2 day anyway.  I was up nice and early grabbed breakfast, sent a couple of emails. I even got to take a picture of some bridge there. 

But again, once you have seen one Golden Bridge you have seen them all.  So instead I think I will post a picture and a video(the video is below the photo) of bath time in our house.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Double Deer

Today was the final day of this event.  Thank God!!  Although due to more confusion I did not get to leave the event until 6:30.  Almost all the vendors thought the Exhibit portion of the event was supposed to be complete around 2pm.  A couple of the folks had to reschedule flights.  I knew something would come up so I wasn't about to schedule a flight at an airport 3 hours away on the final day of a show.

Anyway, after the event was over, and thanks to the parking situation at this resort, 1,500 guests 1,000 parking spots.  I had to walk about a mile to my car, dragging my brief case.  At least tonight I was smart enough to pack a sweatshirt.

As I was walking back I was looking around at the scenery not really noticing everything around me, including the Prius that pulled up behind where I was walking...Damn silent cars.

About a 1/4 mile after the Prius incident, I looked up, about 30 feet ahead of me there was a deer!  I mean right there.  I bent down to my bag to get my camera and he darted across the street, so I walked toward him.  The I realized he had a friend too.

I just wonder if they were considered Authorized Vehicles?  Or where they pissed about the parking situation too.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Looking Back on Sunset

I got into Monterrey at about 1 am.  I am sure the drive from San Jose to the Peninsula was amazing.  But what would I know it was pitch black.

Today was another show, I will not mention the name of it to protect the innocent, but it was so poorly put together.  It was one of those an hour of craziness, two hours of downtime, ninety minutes of craziness.  It was like that all day, and it did not end until 9:00.

The resort where the event was is located right on the Pacific Ocean in Monterrey.  One of the breaks was close enough to sunset.  I figured I would get a great sunset photo during that break.  So, even though it is was like a cold windy 60 degrees and all I had was a short sleeve shirt.  I still decided to walk down to the coast line.

I took a couple of shot of the sunset.  They were ok, once you seen one sunset over the ocean you have seen them all.  Sure they change form time to time, but not tonight.  The sky was kind of white and not many clouds to make for a good picture.

Then I turned around and looked toward the lodge.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Another Long Drive

After a full day of trade show and then bar tending for a customer event until very late last night.  We were back to the trade show this morning.  I needed to cut out of the event around 4 pm to catch a plane back in Phoenix at 8pm on my way to Monterrey.

On the drive up to the event it was about the scary road signs.  The ride back was about adding another cactus to the photo blog.  This type of Cactus is call Saguaro.  I am not 100% sure about what happened to the bottom of this one, I am sure it has to do with a hungry coyote or something.  I do like the US Flag that photo bombed this picture.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Seems Like a Good Place to Pull Over

Day two of this roady had me driving from Phoenix to Prescott AZ.  For those not familiar it is about a 2 hour drive through both the Mountains of Arizona and the desert as well.  It is a ride right out of the old Western Movies, except with Paved Highways and Porches.

If you watch the old Western like I know my dad does, you hear the cowboys giving directions to where they need to go that sound super scary.  The names are things like "Devil's Pass" or "Dead Man's Alley".

I always thought it was a joke.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I left today on a crazy road trip.  It is going to be 3 flights, 4 different hotels over 5 nights.  Yes I know, I did the math too, it sucks.  Five nights from Tuesday means I don't get home until Sunday.

The first stop is Phoenix.  I didn't have appointments until dinner.  I decided that even though I didn't land until 1pm, that due to me missing breakfast this morning I would stop at my favorite Breakfast spot in Phoenix.  An interesting place call Scramble, they make the best French Bread French toast....and yes there Bacon is Meat Candy!

The artwork outside the restaurant I think sums up my feelings about the week I am about to embark on.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bedtime Story

Today was another one of those busy and clearly tiring days around the house.  It seems like everyone was on the go today.  I had 4 appointments,  Jamie had her meeting set up day, and Toni is fully into the full swing of school and even had soccer practice.  Baxter got his walks in which tends to tire him out.

Although tonight he still needed a good bedtime story to fall asleep.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Autumn White

Today is the first day of Autumn.  In most area of the country that usually means the colors come out.  In Southern California, sure some of the leaves change.  But usually that is from green to yellow, no reds or oranges like is traditionally associated with Autumn. 

One interesting item that does happen in nature here is we get more white sunsets.  Throughout this blog I have posted amazingly colorful sunsets from our backyard.  However, with today being the first day of Autumn the white sunsets have begun. 

Toni had a game this morning, other than that we pretty much laid around watching bad football, which culminated in the Steelers 0-3 start tonight.  I decided to fire up the grill for dinner, as I was covering the grill I noticed how awesome white sun looked.  I wasn't sure how to shoot it, but I knew a fast shutter and a small aperture had something to do with it.

The result was pretty cool.  If you look to the right of the frame you can also see the edge of Catalina Island.  I also think the hazy look of the rooftop in the foreground and the cloud cover over the ocean is also pretty cool.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Out of Bounds

Oh my god I am so excited!!! Today marks the 100 day count down to the end of this Blog, THANK GOD!!!  265 blog entries in the books...or the web(how fitting for today).  Clearly the blog was not what I hoped for.  I hoped I would truly be able to spend time creating great images or do interesting activities with lighting.  Clearly I forgot I have a life and a job, a ridiculously busy job so, many of the days were simply a snap shot.

But though out, people kept checking out the blog.  They checked it out to the tune of 8,600 times.  They came from 41 different countries.

I circled this day on the calendar to make sure to shoot something cool to mark the 100 day count down.  Well, I think Brian solved that problem for me early when he lost ball and went looking for his drive on the 5th hole at Cross Creek Golf Course in Temecula.  He hit a nice drive down the right side of the fairway that bounced Out of Bounds.

He calls to me to get over there with my camera, of course he was standing right next to a "Caution Rattlesnakes" sign.  I thought he found a snake which would be cool to begin the 100 day count down.

I guess they better add Tarantula's to the Caution signs!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hangin Around at Home

Today was one of those "what was I thinking" days.  As has been documented on this blog, I have been traveling too much lately, I needed a day in the office to dig out.  But instead  I decided to help out a teammate and do a training at 7:00am in Downtown San Diego, which meant a 5am exit from the house.

Of Course the customer was not ready for the training.

Anyway, when I finally got home I got a ton done.  Then I decided to watch a little TV in the living room.  However, having an African Grey Parrot in the house can sometimes be more entertaining than what is on TV.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dude I Almost Stepped on You

We are have a crazy week at work, to say that everyone is exhausted is an understatement. No real time or energy to elaborate on the blog today.  Plus I made the mistake of wasting time watching the Philadelphia Eagles lay an egg on National TV.  Hey "Oregon" welcome to the NFL, they play defense at this level.

Anyway, today I met the most brazen squirrel since Rocky and Bullwinkle, so I shot him....

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I Want to Live Next to This Guy

Coming home from a meeting with a couple of my customers I take a short cut the freeway.  The neighborhood is pretty upscale and like most of the planned communities in Southern California you have to give the city or the association, or in the case of my crazy neighborhood, both to approve you plans for landscaping, fences, patio covers or any permanant fixtures.  If it is within code then you get a letter back that states.....Approved.

I wonder how the guy that owns this house explained in the plans, "next to the palm tree on the railing I am going to hang an 8 foot Satan".


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It Bugs Me

Some days the picture you take on your phone suck more than others.  Today was one of those days.  When I was leaving an appointment, I saw a huge black beetle, of course my camera was in the car.  So I took out my trusty Droid 4 and attempted to take a picture of it. It ended up looking like one of those ink spot the school psychiatrist used to show you....or at least that's what my friends told me.

Anyway, as is the rule with this blog, all I have to do it take a picture everyday.  That picture doesn't have to be the one that gets posted.  Fortunately, I took a Black Beetle shot back in May that never got posted so I will post that one and leave the Ink Spots to the vinyl records( .

Monday, September 16, 2013

Who Left the Water Running?

Finally!!! After a month of traveling I finally get to go home.  OK, maybe not a month, but it sure feels like it.  My flight was delayed, it is just so interesting that US Air never knows a flight is going to be delayed until 20 minutes after you are supposed to board the plane.   Then of course you have to endure the flight attendants barking at you to "hurry up storing your bags so we can depart".  They act like it was the 174 people standing at the gate area for an hour that are slowing the departure down.


At least the pilot was nice enough to tell us that we were flying over the Grand Canyon.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Number 1

No, the title of today's blog post is not because the Steelers, Eagles, or USC are playing football like Champions.  It is the two ladies that are the topic of the Blog are both Number Ones.  After 4 wedding events this weekend and being a little frustrated with people in pictures I finally got someone that was easy to take a picture of too.  Except Lisa she likes having her picture taken, and Patrick says he looks good in pictures and he knows better than to piss me off.

I met my cousin Maria's twin in Chicago last week so I had to shoot her to show her twin.  She is the one on the left below.  My brother Wayne reminds her all the time she "is number one!", She is my father's favorite Niece(at least on my mom's side) she was Nonni, my grandmother's favorite grandchild.

Kelly, on the right, Wayne and I have been telling her since Wayne's divorce that she is our favorite sister-in-law.  She of course snaps back in jersey girl speak "yeah right, I am your only sister-in-law"(technically speaking of course).

So during Wedding Celebration Part IV, I got both number ones in one shot.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Saturday's are usually the normal day for a Wedding, of course with Wayne and Meghan's wedding this Saturday would be just one of 4 activities around the wedding.  I just want to know when the Bachelor party was scheduled???

At the wedding party version II there were enough camera's taking picture of the bride and groom so I shot other random items.  I wanted to post a cool picture of John's dog catching a Frisbee from the pool, but Anthony and  my brother Peter, who are no longer welcome to enjoy the blog because them made fun of it, so I thought I would Share a couple of other Sharing moments from the party.

The first photo is just way too cute of three girls sharing a cupcake, only one of them spent the night at the vet with a tummy ache.  That photo is the official blog photo because it is the most photographically sound, plus Lightroom helped too.

The second photo, which is my favorite was actually taken by Patrick, my daughter's boyfriend, unless he dropped my camera, I did all the setting for him, all he had to do was point and shoot, after he photographed more of the hedge behind us then of us, he shot us again.  Kristin looks so beautiful in the picture, clearly it is obvious where she gets her good looks.

The third photo was Wayne sharing a moment with Meghan's dog.  Wayne you moron!!! On your wedding your are supposed to kiss the bride not the dog!!! And you are never supposed to give the dog tongue!!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Travel Day

Do you know during Baseball Playoffs they have 2 games in a row then they travel?  Wayne's wedding this weekend is sort of the same thing, 2 opening events then a travel day(for me) then 2 more days of wedding events.  After seeing some customer's today and getting a bunch of other calls and action items completed.

Since Kristin had homework and was tired from her new job she was staying home tonight.  I took a couple of the Nieces and Nephew to dinner.  I forgot to bring my camera with me so this lame blog day is on my Droid 4 camera which I hate.  But when we came out of the restaurant we saw this car, too many thoughts went through my mind and none of them where 4 legged versions.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Second Times a Charm

I finally got to leave Chicago, I can't believe I never even had a chance to find Garrets's Popcorn.  I had to travel to NJ for customer appointments and my brother Wayne's wedding celebration.  The first order of duty was the ceremony at the courthouse.  I was going to cut it close as the time of the wedding changed, or at least based on the minimum knowledge I had.  They wanted to make the ceremony private, but that doesn't work with our family or when you are Police officer and you get married at your station house.

I had the most amazing luck with my flight being on time, the bags arriving early, the Avis bus being right outside and no traffic the whole way....of course Wayne was late.  He is using the excuse of my dad getting a flat tire, bit let's face it, it's Wayne.

Welcome to the family Meghan, it is too late to back out now.  We have long told her what a catch Wayne is, that was just to get him out Pop's loft so we can put the pool table up there!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Still in Chicago at Print 2013, maybe this show is a day or two too long. Today's picture, due to a lack of time to take one, is dinner from Carmines in Chicago.

Obviously, I will not be able to post something on the blog today with out remembering what date today is, September 11th.  Today my generation's Americans realized that we too were vulnerable.  Plus those that attacked us and harm their own people also found out that the US does not stand idly by and let you get away with it.  So a salute to those that serve, I personally am grateful.

I do want to point out to some of thos folks new to the blog some past posts that honor those that serve, please check them out:

Now dinner

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hard Rock

Day 2 in Chicago, Customer Event, trade show, Customer meeting, another customer event.  The first customer event was at the Hard Rock Hotel.  I knew that I would have a crazy day today so I wouldn't really have time for a creative picture today.  I was kind of bummed too because the boys went on a walk to "photograph the city".  I was going to say "shoot the city", but as an Italian you have to be careful with the phrases you use in this city.

Anyway, being at the Hard Rock, I knew there would be something to shoot there, our event was in the Gibson room and low and behold.....Gibson guitars.  The coolest one was the Flying V, Hendrix played it and I am pretty sure Greg has one too.  I had some time to kill before the lunch started so I used the timer on the G11, closed the aperture a bit and extended the exposure.

After the I took the picture I needed to use the men's room.  I understand decorations in the bathroom.  But a picture of the the Beatles staring at you when you are standing at the urinal.  Talk about stage fright, surprised I could even go.....get it....stage fright....The Beatles....stage....ah, what do you people know about funny anyway.


Monday, September 9, 2013


Here we go again, another trip...or two or whatever, I just know I am going to be gone and really don't feel like it.  Although it is so glamorous, I mean the hotels with the rooms that are too small, beds that have springs like a Slinky, the planes that are too cold and those wonderful smells that have found themselves stuck in the backseats of the taxis.  I mean what is that smell?  Drakar meets exhaust? or the driver's left over dinner that has been in the Chicago heat for 3 days?

Anyway, Chicago, at least the food will be good.  Busy first day, all I really had time for was a shot out the hotel window.  At least there is a lake view.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Eagles, Falcons, Seahawks, Cardinals, Hummingbirds

Today is another one of those holidays in our house....The Official start of the NFL season!!!!  It is also the start of the new soccer season.  In our house we are all about Steelers, who to keep with the bird theme of today's blog, they laid an egg against the Titans.

The soccer girls played Surf, which meant, Toni's buddy Angeline was coming up.  After the game, a 1-0 lose where the Surf girls scored the sweetest goal on a pass across the field, we had lunch with Angeline's family at Kaleidoscope. That meant we we going to introduce them to Rita's Ice.

As we hung outside chowing down on Rita's we were entertained by a couple of  Humming birds which of course took over the blog.  3 pictures, 1. Laser tag 2. Photobomb, Humming Bird Style 3. Bird vs. Bird.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Best Sign Twirler Ever

Brian and I played Summerly today.  I broke 90 again with an 89, but I left 7 putts 2 inches from the hole or less.  Brian didn't play bad, although he said he never has his best days when I am there.   I am sure there is a lesson there, I just can't find it.

Anyway on the way out of Lake Elsinore, we saw a sign twirler in the distance.  Now in Southern California, we have some of the best twirlers in the business.  This guy wasn't one of them.  When we saw him in the distance we were like "look at this idiot...and what the heck is he wearing.....heavy is like 100 degrees he is just standing there, he blends in to the background".....

Ah ha.....BRILLIANT!!!!

Friday, September 6, 2013


Finally on my way home!!!  Can't wait, plus I get to spend a whole 2 days!  Not sure what the day was going to hold, so I figured I better find a picture early.  The good news was Paul and I got to the airport early.

At SFO in Terminal 3, and maybe in other terminals, I only fly United into SFO so I am not sure, there is a long hallway near gate 70 that leads to the higher number gates.  That hallway is sort of a museum.  I know I have seen history of televisions, sewing machines, slot machines among others.  As I looked down the hallway today I saw a Whale's Tale, I am a Wyland fan so I thought I would take a look.  This exhibit, as I guessed, was about Recology.    I thought the tail would look cool when I print out the monthly collage for my staircase so I shot it.  This piece of art is by Ethan Estess.  For my purposes it is my blog entry.

Plus, today was my late grandmother's Birthday, I have mentioned Non on several occasions on the blog....usually around cooking.  But I thought this one was fitting, she was a big fan of the ocean, the Atlantic Ocean.  I should probably say something like "because her people crossed it to come to this country and start a new life"....well that might be true, but the real reason was because Atlantic City was there....and she loved the casinos!!! Unless she lost, then she would have a headache the next day.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Low Tide?

I woke up today in San Francisco.  The good thing is I was supposed to, I have customer meetings and a bunch of people scheduled to appear with me today.  I had to pick Paul up at SFO in the morning.  Their cell phone waiting lot is like 5 miles away.  Because I usually stay in Burlingame I know a cool spot that is closer and better to hang out and wait to pick people up from the airport.

I thought it was odd, it has been some time since I had waited for someone at the airport, but I was sure the bay came closer to the rock then I was looking at today.  Now I realize, as I am typing this, there is this thing called low tide.....  I mean come, how long have I leaved near an ocean, the bay can have low tide too.   Old guy moment.

Plus it does make for a cool picture.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Salt Lake City

One final day in Salt Lake City.  After yesterday's boring day I figured I better take the picture early today because nothing will happen in this city.  Although I did get to hang out with Tosha and Hien from work.  We got a bit of teamwork and account conversation going then a bit of baby and wedding conversation.  Although Hien, who is the real photographer in the group did not share one baby picture with us.  So he is in trouble.

Plus I would much rather have turned the blog over to him and his baby girl, instead, you are stuck with the view from my hotel room.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Where did everyone go?

Today was the first day of my trip this week, Salt Lake City.  We had a great dinner and meeting with customers at Valters, amazing food.  We broke dinner at around 9, I was back in my room at around 10.  I did not have a picture for the day so I figured I would take one of the night.  

My room had a balcony so I figured I would take a picture of the bustling evening.  I would place the camera on the rail with the timer then slow the exposure to about 4 second and catch the amazing light show, then I realized I was in Salt Lake City.  It doesn't bustle.  Although if you have a real computer and look to the bottom right you will see the streaks from the only car that came by in 10 minutes.

I am in Chicago next week, it bustles.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Read the Reviews!!

Knowing that I was going to be traveling for the next couple weeks I figured I would try to get a round of golf in.  Plus we have been trying to get out to golf with my friend Mark from work, and he sent out the invite.  Now Mark is a bit more little crazy, he wants to play all the courses in Orange County and San Diego, so it is not very easy to get him to play the same course twice.  

He drove past Meadow Lake Golf club in Escondido and saw the Club house and the first tee looked good, then much to his surprise the green fees on Labor Day were great, $35!!!   Well he forgot to read the reviews on GOLFNOW.COM.  I did, they didn't look too good.  I made the recommendation to switch to Summerly, but like Greg said "it is not about the course, it is about the company".  Well the company was the only good part of the day.   The blog post is of the company and what you can do with a newly polished driver.  The funny part are the feet, check out what the curve of the club does to our legs....shorter than usual.

The next two pictures are of the 6th green and the fringe around it.  That was the nicest part of the course, picture 3 is from the exact same spot just looking back to the tee box.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Fire in the Sky, Heat on the Ground

It has been crazy hot here in Southern California as in many parts of the country.  When we have heat here, we tend to get a bit of humidity, with humidity we get clouds, with both of those we get amazing sunsets.

We have 2 neighbors on our block selling their houses.  It is crazy the price increases over the last 2 years.  However, due to rising interest rates those houses have been slower to sell.  Maybe the new strategy is to have open houses at sunset.

The view from our backyard.