Today was a very busy day for everyone...except the dog. Every time we turned around he found a different bed to sleep on, until of course it was his daily sunbathing time, then a hot concrete slap is just perfect for him.
I was out early to the gym, very happy to report that there are is no back pain...yet...even when I workout in the morning at the gym and at home at night. Plus I am sleeping so much better too. I thought it was because Toni changes my sleep number as she steals my bed when I am traveling, but I think it is the extra cardio.
After the gym I had meeting with customers who I really do enjoy, been with us forever. They are old school but we consider them friends. After that, a couple of conference calls a battle or two with my largest customer, but I found them a lot of money so everyone ended up happy. We got to head to Target for a bunch of different items we needed including a Scotts hand fertilizer, which I am very excited about, excited that if I can get the grass in the front green, then I won't have to kill my gardener!!!...and he might stop asking Jamie how much she wants to sell her car for.
After all that we remembered it was a holiday again!!! No not Holy Thursday or something to do with passover, it was SWEET 16!!!! Toni and I chose Islands to watch the games, we both order something and share each others. Then Toni tortures Jamie throughout the meal, I am still not sure how I ended up sitting next to her half way through the game. I was a little bummed not to see Bo, the greatest waiter in the world, self proclaimed. We love Bo, he has had it rough, nasty divorce from maybe even a nastier ex-wife. Of course all of our teams lost last night, but who cares, the second beer was only $2.
Surprisingly, daughter number one from NJ was texting me when we were at dinner. She is off from school tomorrow, imagine that, I pay all that money and they give her off for the NCAA Sweet 16. She told me to check out the moon tonight it was "awesome", she said Toni and I should shot it through Toni's telescope. Well, in California, our skies were cloudy, no moon tonight, although when your daughter asks you for the moon, you try to give it too her(picture 2, below was from the summer through Toni's Telescope, posted just for Kristin).
When we got home, the sun had just set and I still needed a picture, so picture number one was just another amazing sun set from our backyard...the backyard where the grass is green!
End of a perfect day...or was it.
Jamie was supposed to have a friend visit last night, a friend that I am not a fan of, I thought that might take the shine off this perfect day, well the friend did not show up, and the day really, really(yes 2 reallys) ended up perfect.