Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Today is the kind of holiday that I love...we did nothing!!  The day however gave me so many different photo opportunities.  I photographed 3 different topics today, but I am on a roll with this dragon theme and we had another "dragon" visit.  Plus where this little guy chose to looks like he was excited about the egg the Easter bunny left him!!

I already had my picture in the camera and a topic to write about.  But, when I came home from the gym, I just happen to notice him, he was sitting right outside Jamie's office window on the hose guide.  Plus he hung around long enough for me to shoot him and let me get close as all I had was the G11.

The other day I looked up the meaing of Dragonfly and it just really seemed to fit what is going on in life these days.  On a hunch I looked up the symbolism of lizards, and again, I couldn't pass up the chance.   Here is what it said:

The lizard has symbolic meaning for many diverse cultures and civilisations. In Roman mythology the lizard was thought to sleep throughout the winter and thus came to symbolise death and resurrection. Throughout the Mediterranean the lizard is fondly regarded as an old family friend. For the Greeks and the Egyptians the lizard represented divine wisdom and good fortune. In Egyptian hieroglyphics the lizard is used to depict "plentiful" or "many".

I know many people are starting to follow the blog and I appreciate it.  I know one of my closest followers just lost someone close to her, perhaps this is that person's way of telling you they are looking over you. <3

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Penalty Stroke

Today was the official start of my vacation, well a heck of a way to start it would be on the Golf Course.  We had another free round at Talega, so of course we were going to head there to play.  I have been playing for about 2 years, I am hovering around the low to mid 90's.  I am working to break 90.  Because of my back I have to be very careful how I swing I have to play mistake free golf to break 90 and learn how to putt for god sakes!  Today, I decided "course management" was going be the theme.

I jumped out to a front 9 of 42.  90 might be a possibility, although the back 9 at Telega can be a back breaker.  Today was no difference.  Going into 16 it was still looking good, I was sitting at 75 with 2 par 4s and a par 3 left.  If I can just play bogey golf I break 90.

Well on 16 I totally melted down and posted an 8...good bye 90.

The picture of the day is a pretty funny one.  On the 8 hole I hit a 5 iron that just tailed a little off to the right, it was heading for the cart path hard and fast.  The cart path was lined with a hedge, if it went into the hedge the ball was gone...or was it. This is why I play the yellow ball.

Friday, March 29, 2013

The other Love of My Life

I am truly the luckiest guy in the world, I know it, sometimes I need to keep reminding myself of it.  I have a beautiful fiance, who by definition, really is the Love of my Life, plus she is my best friend in the world,  especially during March Madness.   I have a beautiful daughter and a totally awesome Stepdaughter.  I have it all!

I know that should be enough for a guy, but I must confess I have another beautiful lady in my life, I have been in love with her, even longer than Jamie.  Probably because there are so many similarities between she and Jamie:
They both look so hot dressed up or dressed down.
I love showing them both off in public.
I treat both of them like they are fine china.
I would not trade either of them for anything or anyone.
I intend of having both of them for the rest of my life.
(There are so many great one liners I can make but my Mom and Jamie's mom read this blog.)
The both are from Cold climates up north, except Jamie is Canadian and my other baby, well she is pure United States from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Yes, for the last 9 years exactly, to the weekend, I have been having a love affair with my Hertiage Softail from Harley Davidson.

Today, my baby came out of the garage and headed to the dealership for a new set of White Walls, she of course is getting ready to Join the Patriot Guard.  So it is only fitting that she is the topic for today's photoblog.  She is Burgundy with metalic flakes and Peach,  but she changes color depending if she is in the sun or the shade.  If you compare both pictures, then even colors within the same picture, if there is shade or direct sun you will see her color changes.

She has even been know to change to Black and Pink at night, as a matter of fact that's when both she and Jamie look their hottest...Black and Pink.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

End of a Perfect Day

Today was a very busy day for everyone...except the dog.  Every time we turned around he found a different bed to sleep on, until of course it was his daily sunbathing time, then a hot concrete slap is just perfect for him.

I was out early to the gym, very happy to report that there are is no back pain...yet...even when I workout in the morning at the gym and at home at night.  Plus I am sleeping so much better too.  I thought it was because Toni changes my sleep number as she steals my bed when I am traveling, but I think it is the extra cardio.

After the gym I had meeting with customers who I really do enjoy, been with us forever.  They are old school but we consider them friends.  After that, a couple of conference calls a battle or two with my largest customer, but I found them a lot of money so everyone ended up happy.  We got to head to Target for a bunch of different items we needed including a Scotts hand fertilizer, which I am very excited about, excited that if I can get the grass in the front green, then I won't have to kill my gardener!!!...and he might stop asking Jamie how much she wants to sell her car for.

After all that we remembered it was a holiday again!!! No not Holy Thursday or something to do with passover, it was SWEET 16!!!!  Toni and I chose Islands to watch the games, we both order something and share each others. Then Toni tortures Jamie throughout the meal, I am still not sure how I ended up sitting next to her half way through the game.  I was a little bummed not to see Bo, the greatest waiter in the world, self proclaimed.  We love Bo, he has had it rough, nasty divorce from maybe even a nastier ex-wife.  Of course all of our teams lost last night, but who cares, the second beer was only $2.

Surprisingly, daughter number one from NJ was texting me when we were at dinner.  She is off from school tomorrow, imagine that,  I pay all that money and they give her off for the NCAA Sweet 16.  She told me to check out the moon tonight it was "awesome", she said Toni and I should shot it through Toni's telescope.  Well, in California, our skies were cloudy, no moon tonight, although when your daughter asks you for the moon, you try to give it too her(picture 2, below was from the summer through Toni's Telescope, posted just for Kristin).

When we got home, the sun had just set and I still needed a picture, so picture number one was just another amazing sun set from our backyard...the backyard where the grass is green! 

End of a perfect day...or was it. 

Jamie was supposed to have a friend visit last night, a friend that I am not a fan of, I thought that might take the shine off this perfect day, well the friend did not show up, and the day really, really(yes 2 reallys) ended up perfect.



Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Ya know I hate that phrase "humpday".  Because really, any longer is Wednesday the middle of the work week?  When the week never ends and you end up working on the Weekends, is there really a hump?  No it is just a long bumpy road, no hump. But for some reason humpday and the celebration of it today seemed to fit, sorta. 

My vacation hours are already capped and I am starting to lose them every paycheck, plus regarding time off, it feels like I need it.  So, I am taking a week off starting Friday, so humpday was actually somewhere around Tuesday night.   But I guess an excuse was warranted on Wednesday.

Today, was another one of those long tiring days.  Plus, we couldn't figure out what we wanted for dinner.  Jamie seemed to have the right idea.  I am not really a drinker, or more closely put I rarely drink. But, Jamie decided to open a beer, more importantly it was Kona Brewery.  It reminded me of many of the times I used to spend in Hawaii on business then stealing a weekend.  Kona Golden Ale was my beer.  Lamely, if that's a word, my drink used to be frozen Pina Coladas.

Tonight, I a beer just felt right.  Plus it gave me something to shoot.  Cheers.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dragon Version 3.0 - The flying type

So unlike the Chinese Calendar where 2013 is the year of the Snake.  In the this photoblog 2013 is quickly become the year of the Dragon!  This time it is the Dragon-Fly.  Beside being the official PhotoBlog Nagger, Jamie today is now making her 4th photo contribution to the blog. 

Guys, I am telling you I am starting to feel the pressure.  This morning when I was leaving the gym I got a text message from her, which always excites me!  This one had a picture on it too!!  Fortunately for my already way too fast beating heart, the title said "Dragonfly on my Window", again photoblog complete! 

I had about 45 mins worth of errands and a Phone call with my buddy Jeff this morning.  So there was no way the Dragon Fly would still be there when I got home, I guess the world would have to put up with an Iphone picture....or would they.  Amazingly enough this guy hung around until I got home.  Got home, set up the 7d with the Macro Lens, took pictures inside Jamie office, then went outside switched tripods, got two different step stools, reset my position 3 times to get closer.

My first thought was he just really likes having his picture taken.  Didn't even move when Baxter almost came through the window, the two day Newly cleaned window.  Ok, now my second thought, "He's Dead".  So I went inside, closed the garage door, he was still there.  Then in about 2 minutes, as I came down from putting the camera in my office, I came down to get water and poof he was gone.

Did this guys show up for a reason?  You tell me....this directly from (I kid you not, check it out for yourself, it is a real site). 

Under Symbolism of the Dragonfly, it says "Maturity and a Depth of Character".  Then it reads "The dragonfly, in almost every part of the world symbolizes change and change in the perspective of self realization; and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life.

The traditional association of Dragonflies with water also gives rise to this meaning to this amazing insect. The Dragonfly’s scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what’s on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life."


Two pictures today, mine first, then Jamie's Iphone picture.

Monday, March 25, 2013

When Animals Attack!

As you know we have a Pitbull, a very misunderstood breed.  We saw the greatest bumper sticker the other day, it had a picture of a Pitbull on it with the caption that read "I'm a Lover not a Fighter".  I think it describes Baxter to a T.  Unless it is a soccer ball, then you can fight him all you want, you are not getting the ball from him.

Now, Maya on the other hand, simply put... she's a pain in the ass.  Finicky bird!(nicest word I could think of that starts with an "F")  If you go to pet her, she grabs your finger with her beak and pushes you away.  Unless she wants the back of her neck feathers rubbed, but only against the grain, that she will allow you to do for hours.  It is when you stop that it becomes an issue.

Well, she was in my office today, when I went to head downstairs for another bottle of water, I put her on my shoulder to head down, then I saw the G11 on my desk and said "yup, Maya needs back on the Photoblog with her boyfriend".  Well I took about 4 shots, the first one she was biting my cheek, when smiled in the second, she attacked... she thought I needed flossing.  Finally she found the object of her nose. 

Photoblog done...or was it.

About 5 o'clock I realized I had not seen or heard the dog for about a half hour.  I knew Jamie, who was Super Soccer Mom all weekend, 15 hours of soccer, 2 soccer-girl-hotel-sleep-overs, 5 hours in a car, and three Amazing announcements.  She was wrecked, so decided to take a nap around 4pm...did I mention she is up at 4:30 every morning?

Well I found Baxter....again, to my Mom, I'm sorry, I know "no dogs on the beds".  But really, look how cute!!!

2 deserving pictures today, enjoy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Don't judge a Day by it's Start

The girls are still away in Ventura for ODP(for more reference see yesterday), more on that at the end of this entry.  Basically it was the Baxter, Maya, and Gregg day.  I had my own "honey do" list, Jamie is awesome and doesn't give me those.  Today was about cleaning the windows, going to the gym, home depot, expense reports, maybe a Harley Ride and rewarding Toni for dinner. 

I got up early and was going to do a Hog Ride, well you will see in Picture one below, why the Harely stayed in the garage.  Bummer start to the day, fearing the rest of the day would suck.  Plus you never want to wash windows when the weather sucks unless you want to wash them twice.  Oh, I almost forgot, I also needed to wash the comforter on the bed.  Baxter decided to sleep on our bed with me last night.  Not exactly sure when he jumped up, but I knew he was there at 3 am when he threw up!  I know Mom, "No dogs on the beds!!!".

But I digress, the reward was going to be Artichoke and Beef Kabobs.  Thanks to my grandmother's recipe the Artichoke's came out amazing.  They take about an hour to prepare and about 3 to cook.  I got to the gym, Trader Joe's(chocolate covered peanut butter pretzels, Jamie's favorite), Pavilions and Home depot. 

By the time I got home....and put the comfortable in the dryer, for it's 3 hour comment, the fog was gone and the sun came out!  Some of us were working hard, but others decided to sun bath...see picture 2 below.

So here is the great news, although they didn't get home until 7:30, and the kabobs quickly changed to my Red Cream Garlic Gnocchi, the celebration was on!!!  Toni and two of our other girls, Brittyn and McKenna made the first cut for ODP!!!  More on that next month on the Blog I am sure!

So enjoy my bad day - good day pictures.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

WCFC Takes Cal South ODP by Storm

Today was one of those long soccer days that we seem to be having lately.  However, this was not the typical soccer day.  Yes, it started with a 2 hour drive up to Ventura College, but this was for Cal South Olympic Development program.  Six of our girls, Toni, Brittyn, Celeste, Natalie, McKenna, and Jules were all named Cal South's ODP.  I am still learning this whole soccer thing, but when you sit in a presentation where they talk about National Teams and Olympics it is a pretty big deal.
We are proud of all the girls, they all did great today and really represented the team well.  Now of course I am pretty biased as I told Erik.  I obviously spent a lot of time watching Toni, she was up against 12 other keepers 10-11 and 12 years old.  She really held her own the whole day.  She clearly is in the top 3 or 4 including the 12 year olds.  Victor and Carlos, her coaches really have her technically prepared for this level.  I personally think,  watching her techniques, she was the most consistently technically sound keeper all day.  Yes proud Stepdad.
I posted one of each of the girls(unfortunately Yordi wasn't there, but we stole her picture from earlier in the blog).  Unfortunately Google will not let me enlarge all the pictures.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Mini Me

Thank God it is Friday!  This has been another one of those weeks, I am glad to see it end.  I had a ton to do today, lots of family items so I needed to take the morning off.  During one of the items I was able to head down to see George, Toni's dad.  This time I made sure I took a camera with me to add Brutus(AKA Mini Me) to the blog.  He is one of Baxter's brothers.  I think he looks just like Baxter with out the Freckle, just a mini version of Baxter with a Giant head!

Jamie's says no because Baxter is so much more handsome!

Well I am posting 2 pictures, one so you guys can judge him for yourself.  The second one was shot upside down as Brutus was hiding between my legs from George.  You see just like Baxter, Brutus loves the camera.  Except, unlike Baxter who likes to have his picture taken....Brutus loves to eat cameras...George's Camera.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy Holiday!

After a long day in LA, it is great to be home, really great to be home, especially because today is one of the best holidays of the year!  It is the true opening round of the NCAA Tournament.  I usually try to take today and tomorrow off, but the schedule would just not allow for it. 

But since my girls are troopers so we ended up at Rudy's tonight to watch the games.  See picture 2.  I have been into the tournament pretty heavily since around 2000 when I started playing hockey tournaments in Vegas, they happened to be the same weekend as the opening rounds of the NCAAs.  Back then one of my teammates got me to bet all the 5-12 match ups, and pick the 12s.  I think we paid for 3 tournaments over the 5 years we were in Vegas just on those games.

Unfortunately, we didn't even fill out a bracket this year, but I think I definitely would have picked the PAC 12 teams in the 5-12s this year.  Oregon got it done in the morning, but tonight's picture is for Poppa Bob(February 10th - The Hat makes the Man) and his 12 seed Cal Bears.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Manhattan Beach

Traveling today, fighting the traffic in LA dealing with customer issues.  It was one of those days that starts early and ends late.  One of those days that even though you are surrounded by people you feel alone. 

The picture is of the pier at the end of Manhattan Beach Blvd.  Thank goodness for cement pillars at the base of the pier, it is kind of hard to hold a camera perfectly still for 4 seconds.  I was happy about the lamppost flaring and the golden glow.  I am however jealous of the couples walking hand in hand in the foreground. 

Sometimes it really stinks not being home and around the one you love even if it is for one night.  You hope that you've done everything you can during the time you are there together so when you are apart the separation only brings you closer together.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Flying through Soup

I had to head to San Diego today for another customer demo.  I know I missed the Marines on maneuvers last time, so I had my camera ready this time.  As I began to drive down I noticed how crappy the weather was, gray, foggy and misty.  I was kind of getting bummed thinking I wouldn't have anything to shoot.  Drove pas the area where the tanks work, nothing, I thought today wasn't my day. 

Then as I got closer Oceanside I looked out at the ocean and there she was...and just as important, there they were.  So I cut across 5 lanes of traffic off to the scenic overlook.  I had to shot through the soup.  The quality is not the best, as all I had was the G11 and the weather was horrible.  But you get the idea.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Birds and Crabs

Today was a pretty busy day, I knew I wouldn't have much time to work on a photo. I think Jamie the official self proclaimed "photoblog nag" thought so too, so I think she was watching my back.  Plus she had the best subject for the blog today in her office. 

Apparently Maya was upset that she hasn't been on the blog lately and the dog has been.  So she decided to hang upside down until someone took a picture of her.  Hence we see the return of our Blog contributor, my beautiful Finance Jamie(who will never show up on the blog because she hates having her picture taken) and her IPhone(no comment). 

As for my entry, the moment was better than the photo, but the rule is take a picture a day.  Toni and I polished off the last of the Crabs in Red Sauce.  Yes for the East Coast Italians, as we know it is meatballs and "gravy", but it is acceptable to be red "sauce" on fish.  Again, too many Soprano's episodes on HBO, so I felt I had to justify calling it sauce.  But I digress, while eating the crabs, I went through about 5 napkins and a whole lot of finger licking.  Then I notice Toni's first napkin was still white as snow....then I looked at her hands.


Sunday, March 17, 2013


I know you are expecting something green, not from this Italian boy from Jersey.  You pinch us on Saint Patrick's day, we'll wack you on Saint Joseph's day.  Sorry, Jamie is now into the Soprano's so there is lots of talk in the house about "swimmin with the fishes".

Plus, let's face it, the real holiday today is Selection Sunday!  I am thinking Duke.  Fortunately, if I am wrong, this blog site has an edit feature so I can look smart whoever wins the tourney.

Although the real big holiday celebration in this house for the weekend was our 8th Anniversary together, we celebrated....a lot.  Jamie says she is the lucky one, but it was me that flew under the lucky star.   So it is just fitting that her flowers were Stargazer Lilies. (shot in my signature style)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I got Crabs

Yesterday was 8 years since I met Jamie.  Those years have been amazing.  We "celebrated ;-)" our Anniversary the best way to celebrate an Anniversary.  Yes mom, she did get very beautiful flowers, I will shot them tomorrow after one more of the Stargazer Lilies open.

Today was tax day, so I was off to see my buddy Micheal Templeman, who besides being a heck of a hockey player, always gets me a great refund.  Because I was heading there Jamie told me she was going to the supermarket to pick up what I needed to cook for dinner.

Her text read: "I got Crabs."
My response was "head over to the Pharmacy they have ointment for that."

Apparently I misunderstood:

Friday, March 15, 2013


Thank you to everyone commenting on my Patriot Guard post on Wednesday.  I said that day that I already had a funny picture that Toni would enjoy before I saw the funeral.  I wanted to post that picture, plus the breakfast at Scrambles in Phoenix was so awesome(try the French Toast), I decided to go back Friday to take the picture again. 

This one is for Toni.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Not a great deal that I can say about this picture.  I know what the girls already said "awwww", then Jamie said she just wants to tickle his tummy. 

I can tell you that he was a brave little guy, kept comin up to us, his friend who at first I cropped out of the picture was a bit more cautious.  (top left corner).

By the way, if you are viewing on a Iphone you may miss his friend in the background.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

USAF Veteran Robert Rowe

I am in Phoenix this week, away from the ones I love.  I had a breakfast meeting with customers and a teammate.  Then we had to head across Phoenix for another meeting.  Then traffic came to a dead stop, ahead I saw police lights, I thought, accident.  Then up ahead I saw what many of us live for and some of us die for, The United States Flags.  But these flags were no ordinary flags and the headlights below were the unmistakable lights from guys and ladies that love that flag.  Plus the rumble was all to familiar.  These flags were for an American Hero.

This was the the final send off for USAF Veteran Robert Rowe.  Robert lost his battle with cancer last week.  But before that, he defended this country in the United States Air Force then again served as a K9 Police officer.  He served his country well, today the country served him back.

Today, the amazing people at the Patriot Guard Riders and the Phoenix VFW gave Robert the proper send off.  They gave of their own time to thank a Patriot for giving his.  The rest of us watched in all, a few of us shed a tear, one incredible grateful veteran stood at attention the whole time.

God Bless you guys, God Bless USAF Veteran Robert Rowe, and God Bless America.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Maybe just a bit too much

When I started this blog, I figured some days I might take a picture that shows how I feel on that day.  Well today I am in Phoenix, other than that fact that I would rather be home more than any other place in the world today.  Today was a very good day, the people in my life that made it that way understand why. 

I feel like I am bouncing off the walls, so I figured short of finding a ball to bounce off a wall and take a picture of it, I figure the picture today does my feelings justice.  So much to look at that it is overwhelming, just like some text messages you might receive.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Keeping Promises

Saturday I promised Toni sushi on Monday night.  I promised this photoblog I would take a picture a day.  I try to keep promises. 

So 2 promises 1 picture.  1 Happy kid.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Missed Opportunity

Yes I took a picture before the day ended.  Yes it sucked, can't find the creativity yet.  But part of the reason was that I was bummed because I missed the best opportunity this morning.  Because I left my camera at home.  I took Toni to her dad's for the day, Baxter's twin brother lives at George's.  I can't believe I missed that opportunity to show you him.  So instead, I trash the crappy photo I shot in the house later and post the boys when they were about 8 weeks old.

I am going for the "awwww" factor here.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Race Day

We actually had a Saturday with no Soccer.  But what would a Saturday be without at least one soccer teammate.  Last night Toni had Lolo over, mainly because Lolo was cleared to do one activity, Racing!!!  Off to K1 speed we went.

I did take a picture at Futsal later in the day(but it was on my cell, so it sucked), although Jamie was so proud of her panning shot with her IPhone I had to post her picture.  I am proud of it to, proud of everything with her.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Get the Hail out of here

I was sitting in my office and started hearing very heavy rain and I looked up and saw white!! 

Hail, crazy! Give me Spring, I paid my California Weather Tax.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dragon Woods

First there was The Bear, then The Shark, then Tiger.  Next up will be The Dragon!  One of my reseller Calcomp Graphics Solution took me and a customer of ours golfing this morning.  We played Coyote Hills, not an easy course.  I shot a 97 because of a meltdown on one hole and my lack of ability to putt well, or even good.  But I like to practice them, today I practices 42 of them.

However, the story of the day was the new golfer on the tour John Smith.  This was probably John's third time ever golfing.  The first hole was a major struggle for him.  Then I gave him 3 simple ideas, keep your head down, find the grass on your practice swing, then take an easy pendulum swing.  This guy did amazing, made good contact on 70% of his swings had the ball driving at about 180 yards by the end.

  Don, again thanks for the round.  John's license plate frame. Look out for the Dragon!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wall Breaker

We don't have the largest yard, well frankly it is small.  But in the right corner stands a beautiful 15 foot tall banana tree, or a huge bird of Paradise I am not really sure because it does have the Bird of Paradise blooms, but the leaves are banana leaves.  All I know is it is about to take down my wall. 

Today it gave us beautiful blooms.  Tomorrow it is gone!

So in it's memory, today's photo blog.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Watching Superman

Probably going to take a break from writing for a while.  Still going to at least try to keep up the resolution, shot something.  Warning may be lame for a while.

Tonight they watched Superman

Monday, March 4, 2013

Some days

Some days are just better than others.  Some days aren't.  Some days you get to do what you enjoy.  Some days you don't.  I could go on and on, but it would just bore you.  Kind of like my day....spent in front of a computer, ya know it can really wear a guy down. 

I took a picture(with a cell phone),  I guess my day as was complete....low standards.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Job Well Done

Big Day today. State Cup Semi Finals and Finals. 89 teams started, 4 remained.  First Up Arsenal, extremely tough team, as was the entire road to get here.  Thanks to another amazing team effort, the girls came out ahead 2-1.

In the finals we faced The Blues, unbelievably strong team to say the least.  Our girls played their hearts out, just were on the wrong end of a 1-0 score.  But lets face it, the Blues only beat us because we were a player down.  Next year Lolo will be back and we will take them!!! 

The official post is the Finalist Photo, except I made one important adjustment to the top of the trophy, especially because Lolo is such a huge part of this team and needs to be represented.  Plus the trophy top was a soccer girl falling down, didn't make much sense to me.

I also posted an extra picture because I know Toni's Grandmother follows the blog.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Another Beautiful Location for Soccer

Ok tonight I cannot complain about the weather in what ever god forsaken land they sent us to this weekend for Soccer.  Because it was 80 sunny a little breeze, although the way Toni punted you would ha thought there was a hurricane force wind at her back.  For the record the location was San Bernardino/Devore.  For those of you around the world, as my blog now has followers in 7 countries(Thank You by the way), if Los Angeles is the Heart of Southern California, San Bernardino is the Left ARMPIT!!!

Well that is where they made us and a bunch of other Orange County teams go to play the Round of 8, plus tomorrow holds the Semi Finals and Finals.  Yes, Thanks to an amazing full field, entire team Defensive effort and a perfect round of Penalty Kicks our girls are in the Semi Finals.  Gee, I wonder what the blog topic will be tomorrow?

But today, while the game was amazing and the weather was perfect, the location still lacked a bit.  However, I guess if you market something enough, you can even dress up a pig...well maybe not.

Make sure you look closely at the whole picture.  Oh by the way, I am a bit in the signage business, I know that Sign Placement is everything!  Toni wants to know if this is Rural Living at its finest then what does it look like at it's worst?

Friday, March 1, 2013

What am I going to do with the Pictures?

Welcome to March, two months down ten more to go.   A bunch of people have asked me why I am taking a picture a day or what I am planning to do with the pictures?  Well the answer to the first question is actually, "I am Lazy". 

You see the last owners of this house were a bit family portrait crazy as I mentioned before in the blog.  Well, I think they were also a bit to Earthquake fearing too.  All their pictures when hung with anchor bolts!  Their main gallery was in the staircase on the way up to the second floor, or down to the first, whichever you please.  There are about 30 of those plastic anchors and holes in our wall, well instead of patching, I am covering, see....lazy. 

The answer to the second question is the resolution to the first...can you tell I have been helping Toni with math all week? So I have been looking for those multi-picture frames in different sizes and capacities. Those frames will hold the best pictures of the month. In the meantime I, and now Toni and I have been coming up with different ways to hold the month's position on the until we need the frame for the best pictures. She did June Last night.

So obviously today's picture is the wall we began creating. Congratulation to Poppa Bob and Mr Eric plus, the X Men and the Superbowl attendees for making the wall...Yes I did leave the Sleeping Landscaper off the February Frame.