Friday, March 1, 2013

What am I going to do with the Pictures?

Welcome to March, two months down ten more to go.   A bunch of people have asked me why I am taking a picture a day or what I am planning to do with the pictures?  Well the answer to the first question is actually, "I am Lazy". 

You see the last owners of this house were a bit family portrait crazy as I mentioned before in the blog.  Well, I think they were also a bit to Earthquake fearing too.  All their pictures when hung with anchor bolts!  Their main gallery was in the staircase on the way up to the second floor, or down to the first, whichever you please.  There are about 30 of those plastic anchors and holes in our wall, well instead of patching, I am covering, see....lazy. 

The answer to the second question is the resolution to the first...can you tell I have been helping Toni with math all week? So I have been looking for those multi-picture frames in different sizes and capacities. Those frames will hold the best pictures of the month. In the meantime I, and now Toni and I have been coming up with different ways to hold the month's position on the until we need the frame for the best pictures. She did June Last night.

So obviously today's picture is the wall we began creating. Congratulation to Poppa Bob and Mr Eric plus, the X Men and the Superbowl attendees for making the wall...Yes I did leave the Sleeping Landscaper off the February Frame.

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