Saturday, May 25, 2013

The 65 Mile Sausage

This was a rarity in our house.  An entire weekend with nothing to do.  Both Jamie and I checked the schedule three times to make sure we haven't missed some hidden soccer game.  But sure as shootin(not sure why I just typed that), there was nothing on our schedule. 

Well we planned something...sleep late, although some people in our house don't have that gene.

Fortunately Toni and I at least ketp to the paln and slept late.  But Jamie made a huge sacrifice for Toni and I, she made Bacon, for those that know her, you know how big of a sacrifice that is....

To save her and continue on our Meatquest, Toni and I decided to send Jamie to the gym.  Since the Harley was uncovered from yesterday's ride we decided to take a ride to the dealership.  Note to non-Harley owners, when you own a Harley, one of the favorite destination is the Dealership.  At Irvine Harley they have a free barbeque on the weekends.  Which made the reason for the ride that much better.  Free Food!!!

According to Mapquest Orange County Harely is exactly 9 miles.  Well you see in Southern California there is this Ocean, and we thought that might have to be part of our ride.  Well 65 miles and one gas station stop later, we made it to the dealership for our free hamburger.....except because we were an hour and thirty minutes late, the only thing left was Sausage....well worth the compromise.

The picture today could only be one thing, but with a vegetarian fiance' I choose something better.

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